Oct 16, 2007

I wished ...

I was driving Emily home from somewhere the other night when we had a conversation that went something like what I’ve captured below.

“Mummy might have another baby Daddy,” she said to me.

“No, I don’t think that’s going to happen Emily,” (I didn’t go into technical details at this point).

“It might Daddy, I wished that Mummy would have a baby girl!”

“Hmmm, well not all wishes come true Emily.”

“And if she did, I’d look after her. I would teach her things and put her to bed and get her dummy for her and feed her. Mummy would have to carry her and do some other things though.”

There was more to it along the lines of what Emily would do if she were to have a little sister, but that’s the nuts and guts of it really. Personally, I’m hoping for a triumph of science over wishes at this stage!

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