Jul 11, 2007

First Impressions

Pedestrian Traffic:

One of the things that I really struggled with in Disneyland was walking in the crowds. I just didn’t seem to be able to make much headway. It seemed that no matter where I went I just couldn’t walk at a speed that I wanted to.

Then I had that electric moment when I realized what was wrong. Everytime I walked towards someone, I stepped left to go past them. Once I had made the mental shift and started stepping to the RIGHT hand side of a path significant progress was made!

Simple, yet important.


Apparently, America doesn’t have healthy food. In fact some of the things that we saw were terrible. We had dinner one night at an all you can eat buffet. It sounded good from the outside, but when you got to the inside, there really wasn’t all that much that you would be prepared to eat ‘all you can eat’ of.

But even when they do have healthy food, it isn’t healthy. Its Healtful. I know that they don’t like to follow the English version of English, but what kind of a bastard word is healthful? It peeved me every time that I saw it!


The number of large people that we saw in America was frightening. There were plenty of people that were gorgeous as well, but certainly walking around Disneyland there were more than there should be. That’s probably scariest because Australia seems to be headed in the same direction.

The fact that they served up donuts with breakfast could have been just a tiny little clue as to how it might happen.


American Toilets suck! They have large wide bowls that are relatively shallow but are also well filled with water such that when you do decide to take a seat, the water level isn’t really that far from your butt. This in itself isn’t a great trauma, but you wouldn’t want to be the sort of person that dips deep before wiping ... I’ll leave the mental image to form in your own mind, I’m sure you don’t need too much help.

It sure doesn’t help the removal of the fluffy floaters either when almost the entire bowl has to empty before the contents can swirl away. Its all just wrong I tell you!


Anonymous said...

Ha! Welcome to America!

"Healthful" is an advertising word. They use healthful because "healthy" is emotionally synonymous with "good for you" and we all know, of course, that EVERYTHING that is good for you tastes icky. Ergo, Healthful.

dave said...

ok, so we don't expect to see people seeking to become wealthful in the near future then?

Healthful Wealthful and Wiseful?

Anonymous said...

Nooooo! Because there are no negative connotations to wealthy (yet).

Hurry up and get to Sarnia - I've only waited like 6 years to meet you guys! (How old is Sam now? I gauge these things in Sam-years).