Jun 21, 2007

Scrunch or Fold

Is it a question that you’ve ever been asked? Is it something that you’ve ever even given thought to? Do you have any idea what I am on about?

I am referring to your practice with toilet paper. At that moment when you’re sitting upon the toilet and you come to clean things up, do you fold the paper neatly? Or do you savagely scrunch it?

It may appear that I’ve given too much thought to this, but I haven’t really, its just something that pops into my mind occasionally. Especially when they put ads on TV that reference it.

I am a folder. And I remember why I am a folder. Its because I was once upon a time when I was just a wee little lad, instructed to start folding the toilet paper because I was using too much.

Now, many years later, I have to support the practice of folding. Just from an environmental perspective. But what I find most amusing is asking other people (especially after a few drinks) if they scrunch or fold. It’s a great dinner party topic.

Many people answer quite firmly, having obviously thought about it or having been asked at some point in their own history. But the ones that are most amusing are the ones that sit there, giving it consideration for a few moments. Again, some of them then give you an answer. But the really delightful few come back to you with, “I don’t really know!” And their eyes gleam. And then later they go to the toilet. And when they return, their eyes are alight and the proclaim their dedication proudly.

Which is when you get to have the best bit, the argument about which way is the better to go. Should you fold and risk finger penetration? Should you fold and risk random paper assignment and toilet blockage?

Do you scrunch or fold?

p.s. ... 9 more sleeps (single figures! arrgh!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now is that finger penetration through the paper? Or finger penetration not through the paper but into the butt? Coz through the paper can be avioded if one uses enough layers, but thru the butt is arguably a good thing as you can be sure you have got all the crap out! Literally!