Mar 7, 2012

The Fifth Dependent

Something changed at home this week. The tension in the house in the days preceding the week slowly grew. I don’t think it quite reached that palpable ‘cut it with a knife’ level, but then I tended to try and be very diplomatic to offset that potential.

The fifth dependent arrived. Technically she was already with us and already a dependent, but it all became more official this week as Caroline commenced her Masters in Accounting. The difference between a wife that’s dependent and a student wife that’s dependent is yet to be fully realised, but is forecast to be significantly more effort for me (the fact that as always what it means to me will pale in comparison to what it will mean to Caroline is irrelevant – this is, after all my blog and therefore, about me!)

Already I’ve noticed changes. We’ve never really needed designated study areas for the kids as they tend to either do their homework at the kitchen table or in their rooms. Most of the time, it’s even complete by the time that I want to do something like sit down and watch TV or use the PS3. But with an adult dependent student in the house, there are worrying trends. If focussed and at the table, I feel bad if I put the TV on. If semi focussed, study starts to happen in front of the TV. I’m sure that channel flicking will be even more frowned upon than it already is and of course, the time when Caroline will be studying will coincide with the time that I like to do nothing a lot more than it does with the kids.

If I’m not careful I’ll be reduced to filling that time with replacement activities amongst which number the really fun things like folding washing, doing dishes and god forbid … cleaning house!

(but in all seriousness, despite the fact that I question her sanity and find myself asking like so many others – “Why accounting?” I applaud the fact that she is pursuing it and am proud of her for doing so – even if she could be earning money!)

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

I have recently found myself thinking (oftener than you might think) that I should have studied accounting. Go Caroline!!