Apr 28, 2011


The 28th of April saw the commencement of Michael’s 14th year on the planet and as has become the norm, I thought I’d share a couple of thoughts on the milestone.

At 14, Michael is still transitioning from boy to young adult. I wouldn’t say that he’s an early bloomer, but he’s certainly maturing. As with most teenagers I suppose, he flicks between the states of responsible and regressive. He flicks from being happy to help out with chores (when requested) to utter outrage over some minor infraction of inconvenience. I guess its one of the true markers of this part of his life as hormones tear around inside with little regard for the rational.

Michael continues to do well at school, though is perhaps a little scarily like me in that he does well at the things that he’s good at, whilst not perhaps maintaining the focus in those things that are seen as peripheral to his immediate interests. He continues to devour books rather than simply reading them and all I can say is at least Sam, Caroline and I all read them as well so that we get value for money when we destroy the Australian publishing industry by shopping online!

Something new this year and somewhat unexpected is that Michael is now the current reigning school Junior Chess Champion. It was something of a surprise to us given that we didn’t even know that he’d entered. Apparently one of his friends was entering and as that reduced his options for something to do at lunch time he decided to have a go as well and went through undefeated! Nerdvana?

Overall there’s a lot to be proud of with where Michael’s headed. So far, he even continues to appreciate my humour, something that surely cannot last, but which I will enjoy for as long as it does. Although he’s a thinker, he still enjoys getting outside and playing sport, even though cricket was probably a disappointment for him this year (something about not being up with the growth spurt rate of his peers and having had 3 years off the game in Canada I think). The soccer season is coming and I think that he’ll get a lot more enjoyment from that, so we shall wait and see, cheering from the sidelines.

Happy Birthday Michael.

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