Apr 3, 2008


We've reached that time of year here when the seasons are starting to change again. There's signs that winter is coming to a close. That means that the snow is melthing (though having said that it was snowing again today ... hey it's only April after all)

But the signs are there and I am having trouble deciding what to call the next season. it's got to be one of two things really. I mean when the winter is this long, is there really any point in dividing what's left up into 3 seasons. I'm opting for one of the following two titles:


Let's face it, with the snow melting, and with grit having been distributed throughout the winter and with the grass that is now appearing having been covered for months, it is the dominant colour. It's probably not really appropriate because we know that the grass does actually turn green.


They haven't started just yet, but its only a matter of time. With the roads covered all winter, the rest of the year becomes the time to do the maintenance. So yes, I think that really is the two seasons that we'll be having up here. Winter and Roadworks.

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