Aug 2, 2007


I saw my first Bear the other day. It was black, not overly terrifyingly large either. I was driving home and was just heading up the hill (3 lanes each way) when I thought … why the hell are these jokers slowing down?

Oh, that would be because of the bear that’s trotting across the road! I wasn’t quick enough to be able to get the phone out and snap a picture … I was too surprised. After all, this was only a couple of hundred metres from where the housing starts! I was also rather happy to have seen it from within the confines of a car. Cute as it may have looked, I wasn’t up for a cuddle.

And it was only about 2 days after that I’d written this that we were told a little story by an Aussie girl that we met. Apparently she’d been running down the other part of this very same road (it goes in a big horseshoe but changes name halfway) and after some time noticed that there were people in cars waving at her. Eventually she looked over her shoulder and saw a bear coming after her, at which point she made a run for the traffic. Fortunately that was enough to scare the bear away. She’d been running with her headphones on and hadn’t heard all the car horns blaring and people yelling at her trying to warn her that the bear was there!

Sounds like an underwear changing moment to me!

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