Jul 28, 2015


I'm far from perfect. I'm sure there's plenty of people that would be able to supply ample examples of just how true that statement is, b
ut that's not really what this is all about. Its just a starting point. Despite the probably long list of imperfections, I strive to do my best and get by in the world. Some times its easy, sometimes it proves to be a significant challenge.

So when I get it right, its kind of worth celebrating. After all, despite the fact it might be fun to celebrate the times when we don't quite get it right, the risk with that would be too much celebrating possibly leading to even more poor decisions and choices and even more reason to celebrate. I don't think I could stand an endless celebration of failure and bad choice.

A little over 20 years ago (26 and a half really), I got something right. It was around that time that I made a successful move to have Caroline be more than just a friend. It took a bit longer to reach the point where I got the next really big thing right. it was the 19th of November 1994 actually. That was the day that I proposed. Mine was the easy part really, I mean I just had to ask. Caroline was the one that had to actually say yes. Quite extraordinary that she did really. i certainly consider it fortunate that she did. That lead to the reason for the celebration.

Today is 20 years since we tied the knot. 

A lot happens in 20 years and I am very lucky that most of the things that have happened for us in that time have been overwhelmingly positive. We've brought four kids into the world, we've travelled, we've made friends. We've loved, laughed, celebrated the good times, disagreed once or twice, possibly even argued and supported each other through the bad times. All in all, what can I say about 20 years of marriage?

Its a damn good start.

I love you Caroline.

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