Mostly I have it down to a pretty good routine, but no one's perfect and every now and then I forget something. Mostly it's fine because I'm usually in a city, have transport and can pretty much buy whatever it is that I've forgotten.
Every now and then go it doesn't quite work out that way. I've managed to leave a computer on a plane (which actually showed up a month later) I've left behind any number of toiletries items and occasionally I've forgotten that the weather isn't the same all around the country and been caught without some winter warmth (even that's not the end of the world given most of my work is inside offices.
A couple of trips ago I managed to outdo myself though. I arrived at my destination, deposited my bag on the luggage rack and opened it up. I pulled out my running shoes, my shirt, my shorts and couldn't help but notice that the bag didn't seem to contain quite as much as I'd thought it would. There was a distinct lack of socks and underwear. There were those that I was wearing and one pair of running socks. That was it.
I was going for a run, that was a given. I had three days to survive too.
That left me the following options:
1. Go and buy stuff
2. Do the old, inside out, back to front trick
3. Just keep wearing it
4. Go commando
I'm not about to tell you which option I went for, but over the three days I ran 20kms and no-one around me complained about Amy untoward smells, so which ever it was it worked.
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