Aug 14, 2012

Real or Fake?

Get your minds out of the gutter, it’s got nothing to do with boobs.

The other night I went to say goodnight to Emily and Thomas who had been shipped off on a mission to the land of nod. First I went to Emily’s room to find her curled on her side. It was the perfect angelic picture of a sleeping cherub. 

The thing is, I know Emily so I quietly crossed the room and gave her a kiss, telling her that I loved her. Then I quietly said to her, “Now stop faking and go to sleep properly.” This brought an immediate smile as her eyes popped open, knowing that she’d been busted. I gave her a stern talking to and moved on. 

I entered Thomas’ room wondering what I’d find. Talk about contrast. There he was, flat on his back, one arm thrown above his head, mouth wide open, blissfully sleeping away. There was simply no question as to whether he was faking it or not.

There’s possibly a lesson there for the youngsters that want to pretend to be asleep, but hey, I probably shouldn’t spell it out any more than that, should I?

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