Ok, so for those not familiar, a little pop culture reference is probably a good place to start:
Daisy Dukes are form-fitting denim short shorts first popularized by actress Catherine Bach in the late 1970s. Bach played the role of Daisy Duke, the beautiful cousin of lead characters Bo and Luke Duke in the television series Dukes of Hazzard. Daisy Duke routinely appeared in a pair of cut-off denim jeans fashioned into shorts, along with other tailored hot pants and short skirts. These skimpy costumes served primarily to show off Bach's well-toned legs, which were rumored to be insured for at least one million US Dollars.
If you’re not sure what I am on about, then google, it. Google it carefully though and don’t say you weren’t warned!
Right with that out of the way, the next point of interest is that I was at the Royal Adelaide show yesterday. Quite possibly worth a post of its own, but regardless of that fact, the inspiration for the following.
If you’re in Alberta, think Calgary Stampede, if you’re in Elizabeth, think Mum probably wore these.
Regardless of where you live, consider the following theory:
If x = the width of one leg of your daisy dukes and y = the length of your daisy dukes (waistband to bottom of the leg), then if x>y, quite simply put, you probably shouldn’t be wearing them.
Ahhhaa...that's a good one Dave, had a great morning chuckle, thanks. And I completely agree. Only those with legs insured for a million dollars should be wearing Daisy Dukes, or lean teenagers. You are really good at this. I'm not sure how many people can put their words down on paper so well. I've said this before, when's the book coming out? Cheers!
Ahahaaaa, good one Dave, had a good morning chuckle. And, I am with you on that one, if you don't have legs insured for a million dollars or you are a lean teenager, stay away from Daisy Dukes. Good writing Dave, you can really put your thoughts down on paper better than anyone I know, and be really funny about it too. Cheers!
First time leaving a comment. You may have gotten this already through email. Anyway....
I had a great morning chuckle. It IS an awful site to see when the woman/girl doesn't have million dollar legs or is a lean teenager. You really have a way with words, like your math too. Read this one to Willie. You are a funny guy. Love your blog. Cheers! Hilda
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