I thought that I’d mentioned the chickens here, but maybe that was over on Facebook. Some time in the last 8 weeks or so we added three chickens to the burgeoning menagerie that is Chateau Temby. Caroline’s wanted them for quite some time and we finally managed to get around to building a coop and fencing etc and even putting some chooks in it in the hope of one day extracting some eggy goodness.
The local kindergarten had them from chicks and we picked them up for free when they were about 6-8 weeks old or so. Two white, one black that I lovingly refer to as Breakfast, lunch and dinner (I’ve got the names for the next two picked out – first comes fried, then Kentucky).
Now the only problem with free chickens is that no one has been able to tell us if we got the sort that will grow up to be hens or the sort that will grow up to be roosters. Not being much of a chicken sexer myself, I’ve opted for the wait and see approach. If it crows, its off to the zoo for dinner (for something lucky) otherwise, if it lays an egg, it stays.
As they grow, we keep looking for signs. No crowing yet, but the two white ones seem to do a lot of posturing and might just have slightly pronounced combs coming up. The black one doesn’t seem to have that development going on and doesn’t quite seem to be doing the posturing.
Every time that one goes out at night to shut them back in the coop, there the three of them are, up on the roost. White, black white. I think we’ve got a couple of roosters.
Ménage a chook.
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