Nov 25, 2009

Fade to White

After the early dump of snow just before Halloween (what we like to call a Helen special) we’ve had a couple of weeks of unseasonably warm* weather. That meant that unlike the first two winters that we’d spent up here, the first blanket of white to lay itself over everything disappeared. We had a couple of weeks of mini-spring, IE mud.

Over the weekend we received another crisp white blanket of snow though, restoring things to what one would expect for this time of year. Saturday was overcast and it snowed for most of the day, but Sunday dawned bright and sunny> When the snow is crisp and fresh and the sun shines, it reflects of the thousands upon thousands of ice crystals in the snow and you’re treated to a gorgeous sparkling blanket. Right up to the point where the plough runs along the road, spraying all the dirt and grime from the road across it.

Of course, with the snow having arrived properly, it won’t be melting again this side of spring and so the colour has again drained from the world. The trees are bare and everything that isn’t vertical get’s its coat of white. That might be great news for the ski season (33 days until we head off to kicking horse!) But it’s not so good for the soul. Eventually the lack of colour, the constant cold and absence of the sun really start to wear you down. Which is why like last year, we’re planning an escape about mid-winter. Last year it was to Jamaica, this year, we’re flying to Florida before embarking on a Caribbean Cruise. It should be awesome (and for those that are counting – that would be me – its only 75 days away!)

*By unseasonably warm I mean that it was hitting highs of around +4 Celsius instead of lingering down around 4 or 5 below.

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