Feb 17, 2008


Something that it has been hard not to notice around here is static electricity. I don’t quite know what the cause is, but it could be a couple of things.

We have more carpet here.

We always take our shoes off so that we don’t track mud and snow and stuff through the house, so we spend a lot of time in our socks.

We use a dryer here which we never used at home.

There’s less moisture in the air than we’re used to.

Whatever it is ( and it could be a combination of these things) it means that life has become considerably more electric. When you turn the light off, every now and then … zap! When you touch a child … zap! Hell, when I take of some of my tops in the dark, not only do you hear the crackle of the static, you can literally see it dancing across the fabric!

It does start to get just a little bit annoying.

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