Following on from my previous genetic theories (which only long time readers of this will be aware of … the bbq and gladwrap genes) I have a new one.
As I’ve walked about Canada, there’s something I’ve noticed. Canadian girls have short legs (yes, that’s a big generalisation). It’s not something I’ve particularly gone out of my way to notice, but as I’ve meandered the streets and stood around in shopping centres as we collect the things we need to survive, I’ve paid passing attention to some of the women.
From my observations to date, compared to what I am used to seeing, Canadian women seem to have short legs when compared to the length of their bodies. And I believe that its genetic.
Here’s my theory:
Canada gets cold. Really really bloody cold (yeah, I can’t wait). They end up with all this snow and ice and stuff on the ground that apparently makes walking somewhat more treacherous than we are used to.
Therefore, a lower centre of gravity might just be a benefit when it comes to keeping one’s feet in these conditions. Shorter legs, lowering the height of your butt would similarly lower your centre of gravity. So I figure this is why the women that I’ve observed have a lower leg to body-length ratio.
It would also assist in minimising pain from slippage because you would fall from a lesser height!
1 comment:
AND shorter people don't have to duck under low handing branches!
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