Sep 13, 2007


As I noted in my email announcing the last drift update, there was a 70% chance of snow yesterday. And for those that pointed it out to me, yes, I understand the irony of the fact that I was complaining about the heat and now am pointing out how cold it is. The thing that’s surprising me is just how quickly we’ve gone from one to the other.

I didn’t see any.

It was funny though, because Tuesday when I saw the forecast, I looked forward to being able to go home and tell the kids that we might get some snow tomorrow. I wanted to see their faces when they realized that we might get our first snowfall. The instant I walked into the door I had kids yelling at me, “Daddy, its going to snow!”

Whilst I might have been robbed of the small pleasure, I was delighted to see the enthusiasm on their faces. The excitement was palpable. Thomas was chattering madly about how we might be able to get out the skis that have been purchased and try them out! I tried to point out that whilst there MIGHT be snow, there certainly wasn’t likely to be enough that we’d get to do anything fun with it.

Eventually as I packed them off to bed I had to make a promise that if it started snowing, I’d wake them up so that they could see it.

But to be honest, I think Caroline and I were equally as excited about the prospect of it snowing as the kids were. Though I would have been happy if it was just for one night and then we didn’t see it for ages. We were both guilty of looking out the window as we went about the night time ritual, just in case it had started already, but there was no snow.

I have to admit too, that the first thing that I did in the morning was look and see if there was any sign of the whiteness. There wasn’t. It was just bloody cold. So we get to wait a little longer for snow. I can handle it. Its already cold enough thanks. There was ice on my car this morning and I can see that I will soon be going out to turn the car on so that it heats up some 15+ minutes before I want to leave in the morning. The seasons are turning fast!


Anonymous said...

Oh Dave I have never seen snow and I am "can't waiting with you. Please have a snowball fight and build a snowman for me and write

Anne's snowman

on him for me.

Anne Payne xx

Cyn said...

Wow Dave - snow (even a chance of snow) in September!? Holy moly you are in the frozen north!