Mar 24, 2007

Owa ta goo siam

So this weekend was the end of daylight savings. There's always stories about people that are an hour late or an hour early for various things and I always laugh at them.

Well Friday night I had a really crap night's sleep and kept waking up. At some point during the middle of the night, whilst awake I thought, “Oh well, may as well change the clock.” So I moved it back an hour and thought that at least there was an extra hour for me in which to try and sleep.

I was aroused from my slumber at 0730 (by the clock which I'd changed) by Caroline telling me that I had only fifteen minutes until I was supposed to be at Sam's cricket.

I told her to relax because we had an extra hour because of daylight saving ... and got about that far through the sentence before it clicked in my mind that I had to change the clocks Sunday, not Saturday.

And so I leapt from bed, readied myself bullied Sam into being ready and off we rushed to cricket ... only to find on arrival that there was no game this week! Arrgh.

Anyway, having changed all the clocks this morning, this afternoon, I drove Michael to a birthday party. I checked my wathc and we were on time, but strangely there wasn't anyone there when we arrived. “Odd for the people having the party to be late,” I thought (unless they're like us). I went inside and asked the woman that runs the sports centre where the party was being held.

“Yes, but it doesn't start until 2,” she told me. I looked at my watch. 2:15. I looked at her clock ... 1:15.

Yep, I had forgotten to change my watch. See the title of this post? Say it out loud.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't get the title... translate for me? I said it aloud and it still doesn't make sense...