Nov 18, 2013


Doonagration: What happens when you combine doona with migration.

At some point, someone clever in our family decided that for the sake of aesthetics and possibly in the interest of sharing that it would be better to place a king size quilt upon our queen sized bed.
Now in theory, this is fine. I mean what can really go wrong? There's extra quilt so it should go further.

Unfortunately it didn't quite pan out the way that it was supposed to. It's not because one party or the other is hogging the quilt or anything as simple to explain as that. It's because the quilt and the quilt cover aren't really on speaking terms. They just don't seem to like each other or be particularly in sync. What this results in is a quilt that shifts within its cover. Which is down right bloody annoying.

It's not a big issue during summer (so I'm looking forward to that) but during winter, its not fun. Its actually quite disturbing when you wake up in the middle of the night under what you think is the quilt only to find that you're actually only sleeping under the cover. A cover that isn't designed to provide you with that lovely warmth that is somewhat critically essential to comfortable sleep. Instead you wake up frozen and remembering that at least when it was -40c in Canada and you woke up they had that lovely central heating thing going on and you weren't stuck in place because you were too bloody cold to move!

The most annoying thing is that I don't know why it happens! It doesn't happen all the time and there's no particular pattern to when and why it does. I've just accepted the fact that it will happen, I won't sleep well, i'll re-introduce the quilt to the cover so that they get along for a couple of days, or possibly a week until it happens again.
Bloody annoying though.