Jul 14, 2013

Coming Soon ...

< rant >

TV is starting to give me the shits (or maybe that’s still giving me). Maybe I’m getting old and crusty, but I miss the good old days. It used to be that when they put a program on TV, they’d stick it in a time slot and go with it. Occasionally something would end and not see out the season, but at least they tended to fail on the night selected.

These days they manage to piss me off before a new show starts. It’s the teasers that kill me; coming soon … a brand new heap of reality trash (they seem to be the most prolific after all). Even the shows that interest me start to piss me off because before they start they have to tell you it’s coming. They have to whet the appetite and that’s fine, but they start doing it so long before it starts that I’m almost ready to ignore the show when it does finally start just because of those bloody ads.

Not only do they start a long way out, but when they do start they don’t even tell you when. They can’t say coming June or anything specific, just … soon. A couple of weeks before it finally airs they might give you a date when it will start, but by then I’m over it!

Then when the show is finally on, they keep messing with the times. TV Shows used to be scheduled to start on the hour, or half hour. Same bat time, same bat channel. Not now. Oh no, now they move it about by 10-15 minutes here and there, or skip a week to broadcast some lame-arsed special event. Even if life allowed me the consistency to watch a show at the same time every week, I simply can’t be bothered finding out that they’ve decided to move it or to put the finale on a different night to the rest of the bloody series.

Stop it already!

< / rant >